Returns & Exchanges
At HOSHANHO, your satisfaction is our top priority. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer an easy and hassle-free return and exchange process. Please carefully review the following conditions to ensure your return or exchange is processed smoothly:
Returns & Exchanges Policy
We accept returns and exchanges for items that meet the following conditions:
- The item was purchased through and shipped to an address within the United States.
- The item is unused, in its original condition, and in the original retail packaging.
- The return or exchange request is made within 45 days from the date your order was shipped.
How to Return or Exchange Your Item
If your item meets the above conditions, please follow these steps to initiate a return or exchange:
- Fill out the Return/Exchange Form: Use the form below to submit your request.
- Receive Return Instructions: Our team will process your request and send you detailed return instructions, including how to ship the item back.
- Return the Item: Ensure the item is unused and in its original packaging when shipping it back to us.
- Exchange or Refund: Once we receive the returned item, we will process either an exchange or a refund, depending on your preference.
Refund Information
Once your return is approved and the item is received at our facility, we will issue a refund to your original payment method.
- Refund Processing Time: Refunds typically take 7 business days to process and will be credited back to your account once completed.
- Original Payment Method: The refund will be applied to the same payment method used during the original purchase. Please note, depending on your bank or payment provider, it may take additional time for the funds to appear in your account.
Important Notes
- Non-returnable Items: Items that are used, damaged, or not in their original packaging cannot be returned or exchanged.
- Return Shipping Costs: The customer is responsible for return shipping costs unless the return is due to a defect or error on our part (e.g., wrong item or damaged product).
- Exchanges: If you wish to exchange your item, you can return the original item and place a new order for the replacement. Alternatively, we may offer an exchange if the new item is in stock.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need assistance with the return or exchange process, please don't hesitate to contact us at We are here to help!